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Ship model championships invitation


We would like to invite you to the Czech and World Championship in ship models (category C).

1) Czech Championship of ship models NAVIGA category "C"

The Czech Republic Championship will be held on 01 - 04 May 2025 in Doksy Castle.
All details about the venue and time can be found HERE
If you want to participate in the show and competition with your model you can fill in the application form.

We are looking forward to meeting you.

2) NAVIGA World Ship Model Championship category C

The World Championship will take place from 04.08.2025 - 10.08.2025 in Budapest.
All details about the event can be found HERE
If you want to participate in the show and competition with your model you can fill in the application form.

With these invitations we would also like to encourage you all not to be shy to present your work and have the opportunity to meet other modellers, share your enthusiasm, ideas and consult on both historical and technical matters.

We wish all participants good luck and we look forward to seeing you there! And please find attached photos from past competitions to entice you: