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Ship plans, Page 5

Kearsarge, USS

Kit of the model - HERE (Revell, 1:96)

Plans to download in PDF:
Revell, 1:96 - 2004 -
Plan of rigging with recommanded blocks - HERE

La Flore/Jolly Roger/Flying Dutchman

Kit of the model - HERE (Lindberg - Jolly Roger/La Flore)

Plans to download in PDF:
Jolly Roger - Lindberg, 1:133 - HERE
La Flore - HERE
Flying Dutchman - Revell - HERE
Plan of rigging with recommanded blocks - HERE

Grande Hermine

Kit of the model - HERE (Heller - 1:150)

Plans to download:
Heller - HERE
Original plan of rigging with recommanded blocks - HERE


Kit of the model - HERE (Pyro - 1:160)

Plans to download:
Revell - HERE
Pyro - HERE
Original plan of rigging with recommanded blocks - HERE
Offer complete accessories for the model - HERE

Golden Hind

In the table you will find links to the kits and the corresponding plans.

Table of links
Kit and scale
Airfix, 1:72 HERE
Heller, 1:96 HERE
Revell, 1:96 HERE
Mamoli, 1:53 HERE
DusekShipKits, 1:72

Original plan of rigging for Golden Hind by Airfix, IMAI - 1:72 with recommended blocks - Golden Hind 1:72 rigging plan
Original plan of rigging for Golden Hind by Heller, Revell - 1:96 (1:100 real) with recommended blocks - Golden Hind 1:96 rigging plan
Original plan of rigging for Golden Hind by Mamoli - 1:53 with recommended blocks - Golden Hind 1:53 rigging plan

English Man'O War

Revell, 1:96: HERE

Rigging plans:
Complete variant: HERE
Easy variant: HERE

Cutty Sark/ Pedro Nunes/Thermopylae

In the table you will find links to individual kits and plans.

Cutty Sark - Table of links
Kit and scale
Plans - version
Revell, 1:96 1974 2017
Revell, 1:220 1987
Airfix, 1:130 HERE
IMAI, 1:120 HERE
Academy, 1:150 HERE
Billing Boats, 1:75


Další stavebnice:
Pedro Nunes Revell 1:96: HERE
Thermopylae Revell 1:96: HERE

Original plan of rigging for Cutty Sark, Thermopylae, Pedro Ńunes by Revell, 1:96 with recommended blocks - HERE
Set of 6 original plans of rigging contains marked recommend wooden blocks:
Plan No. 1 - Wooden blocks for Standing rigging
Plan No. 2-5 - Wooden blocks for Runninging rigging
Plan No. 6 - Wooden blocks for Studding sails and Jibb boom

Original plan of rigging for Cutty Sark, Thermopylae, Pedro Ńunes - 1:75 with recommended blocks - HERE

Original plan of rigging for Cutty Sark, Thermopylae, Pedro Ńunes - 1:120
with recommended blocks - HERE

Couronne, La

Heller, 1:200 - HERE

Heller, 1:600 - HERE

Download the plans in PDF:
Heller, 1:200 - vs 1 -
Heller, 1:200 - vs 2 - HERE

IMAI, 1:200 - HERE
Rigging plan with recommended blocks, scale 1:200 - HERE

Constitution, USS

In the table below you will find links to the kits and their plans.

Table of links
Kit and scale
Revell, 1:96 2014 - Hull and mast 2014 - rigging 1974 - Hull and mast 1974 - Rigging
Revell, 1:146 (1:196 in reality) HERE Rigging plan (HiSModel block set)
Monogram, 1:120 HERE
Billing Boats, 1:100
Mamoli, 1:93
Mamoli - výřez, 1:93


Bounty, HMS

In the table you will find links to the kits you can buy from us and the corresponding plans, if available.

Table of links
kit and scale plan
Airfix 1:87 HERE
Pyro/Lindberg 1:180 HERE
Revell 1:110 HERE
Amati 1:60
Mamoli 1:64
Mamoli 1:100
Billing Boats 1:50

Rigging plan with recommended blocks
HMS Bounty 1:87
HMS Bounty 1:110