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Hodnocení obchodu

5,0 154 hodnocení
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JH Avatar autora James Hickey | 22.03.2025
A good website which is clear and easy to use. The order arrived quite quickly and was properly packed. I'm very satisfied.
RB Avatar autora Rétvári Balázs | 22.03.2025
Excellent quality products.
DM Avatar autora Davide Montaldo | 21.03.2025
Very satisfied
AV Avatar autora Andrej vrhnjak | 10.03.2025
RD Avatar autora Radimír Darda | 9.03.2025
Vše perfektní.Super.Těším se na další spolupráci.
JK Avatar autora Joachim Kremer | 7.03.2025
The service is professional and reliable.
Avatar autora Jiří Šťava | 7.03.2025
Rychlé vyřizování objednávek, velmi kvalitní modelářské doplňky
DG Avatar autora Dominik Gajdoš | 6.03.2025
EG Avatar autora Eric Glatthaar | 4.03.2025
Very pleased to give the shop a five star rating. The service, communication, and quality of the product is first class! Highly recommend!!!
GV Avatar autora Glyn Veale | 28.02.2025
Very satisfied. A small problem with my order was quickly corrected and replacement parts sent. Will be ordering more parts from them soon.
SW Avatar autora Steve Walk | 23.02.2025
Extremely satisfied. Will continue to order from this shop. Great products. Very quick shipping given the process of going through customs slows it down some, but to be expected.
CP Avatar autora Camillo Papa | 17.02.2025
Multiple purchases. The realism is outstanding. Great quality. Fast shipping.
MB Avatar autora Miroslav Baumruk | 16.02.2025
Veliká spokojenost, vstřícné jednání.
F Avatar autora Fox | 16.02.2025
VZ Avatar autora Vlastimil Zeman | 15.02.2025
Ano spokojen a těším se na další spolupráci.
S Avatar autora Samuel j dennis | 14.02.2025
Very satisfied. Professional dealer in all respects.
EP Avatar autora Emil Peitz | 10.02.2025
Avatar autora Michal Červenka | 9.02.2025
JA Avatar autora Julio Perea Antillera | 8.02.2025
The candle models are very condemnable, as are the fabric flags. The kids ones are mediocre, very original, I recommend them.
JR Avatar autora Jiří Růzha | 6.02.2025
spokojen? Nadšen .... Jako vždy úplně perfektní domluva i zboží.....