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Hodnocení obchodu

5,0 157 hodnocení
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MS Avatar autora Martin Svoboda | 21.06.2024
Naprostá spokojenost
RR Avatar autora Rastislav Rybka | 21.06.2024
EP Avatar autora Emil Peitz | 17.06.2024
SM Avatar autora Stephen Muirhead | 16.06.2024
Very satisfied
KK Avatar autora Kai Kauppi | 14.06.2024
Very satisfied!
JP Avatar autora John Peckham | 13.06.2024
They do great work and I'm a repeat customer!
DP Avatar autora David Powell | 12.06.2024
Very satisfied! Prompt replies to emails and quality products made and delivered!
KS Avatar autora Keith Shively | 1.06.2024
Great quality- every thing you could want for your ship building needs in one place - can't beet that. Fast shipping !
TS Avatar autora Tomasz Stepnowski | 27.05.2024
Amazing quality
DJ Avatar autora Douglas Jones | 26.05.2024
Tremendously satisfied with the shop and quality of the products
JP Avatar autora Jiří Petrák | 24.05.2024
AW Avatar autora Anthony Westwood | 24.05.2024
Avatar autora Emanuel Černín | 23.05.2024
Avatar autora Pavel Černý | 17.05.2024
Super obchod. Zboží splnilo moje očekávání, měl jsem si k tomu rovnou vzít i plachty.
JA Avatar autora Jarrett Aguilar | 17.05.2024
This is an excellent store to do business. I have had nothing but success. One of the best places to get my model ship supplies.
CF Avatar autora Clive Fouche | 16.05.2024
Excellent all round. The flags will go absolutely perfectly with the model
DS Avatar autora Dominic Sauvé | 14.05.2024
Prices and shipping rates are reasonnable, and service is always great. Many thanks!
CS Avatar autora Christian Stehr | 13.05.2024
I am very satisfied. Very nice Shop. Nice products. Communication ist very good!
IL Avatar autora Ion Lucian | 13.05.2024
great shop. great service
MT Avatar autora Martin Turek | 13.05.2024